Thursday, February 10, 2011

NYSE to sell to Deutsche Boerse?

NYSE's parent company, Euronext, announced yesterday it may sell out to Deutsche Boerse, the owner of the German stock exchange, based in Frankfurt.

The combined megamarket would be the stock-trading home to companies worldwide worth about $15 trillion.

Only real details announced yet are that Deutsche Boerse would own 59 to 60 percent of the company, and that they would keep both offices, in NY and Frankfurt open and allow NYSE's current CEO, Duncan Niederauer to remain CEO of Deutsche Boerse, while their current chief executive, Reto Francioni would become the chairman.

Kind of makes me wonder what affect this could have on the US Dollar as the current World Reserve Currency...

Arizona plans to coutersue the US Government

Jan Brewer announced today that she will file a countersuit against the federal government, claiming Washington has failed to enforce immigration law along the southern border.

Arizona plans to sue on five different counts, including a claim that the federal government has failed to enforce immigration laws enacted by Congress and a claim it has failed to reimburse the state for costs associated with jailing criminal immigrants.

In reading some of the comments posted about this article, it shocks me to see how many people are calling the AZ. Gov. a racist and a Nazi for her actions. How is it that these people, as well as part of our government, doesn't seem to know the difference between legal and illegal?

I can't understand how any American citizen can say that Jan Brewer is wrong for trying to get our government to uphold Federal law.

If your reading this, and feel what Jan Brewer is doing is wrong, then please take a minute and explain to me your reasons, because I can't honestly see what the 49 other states don't stand up and follow suit with Arizona...

If you'd prefer not to post here, feel free to post your comments on my forum at:


Mubarak finally makes his speach, anti-government protesters up in arms!

Most of the day, the Egyptian government and military have been saying Mubarak intends to step down and either turn his Presidency over to V.P. Suliman or turn his power over to the military.

Announcements were also made that Mubarak will speak to the public at 2000GMT. Nearly 40 minutes late, Mubarak finally makes a speach that stated he has no intentions to step down as President until September.

This was a huge letdown to the anti-government protesters and who knows what they will resort to next...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Standing at the Super Bowl??

So, I hear that 400 people who bought tickets for the Super Bowl had no place to actually sit during the game. Some crap about the seats weren’t installed or something, I’m sure you have probably already heard by now. None the less, these people were told that it would be okay if they wanted to just stand there and watch the game on the jumbotron TV...

2 - Super Bowl Tickets: $1,589.00
Travel & Airfare costs to get to the Stupid Bowl: $885.00
Parking for rental car at game: $121.00
4 Beers: $10.00 each
2 Pork Sandwiches: $25.00 each
2 Nachos w/cheese: $9.00 each

Knowing you just shelled out $2703.00 only to find out you have NO seat to sit in but can stand and watch game on jumbotron screen... PRICELESS!!!!!!

FYI: I guess those 400 people can also get 3 times their money back for the trouble, that’s still $1,103.00 you spent to stand there. For that you could have bought a new TV and had one hell of a Super Bowl party at home!